10 Best Dating Advice For Men Books Review. When looking for a list of the best books on the date of the last decade, several major themes are clear: the man is a human being who is obsessed with sex. Women have the wrong impression that they are living in a romantic comedy in real life. Here, a list of 10 Best Dating Advice For Men Books Review :
- From Shy To Social: The Shy Man's Guide to Personal & Dating Success
by Christopher Gray.
Amazon Reviewer "CPC" :
This book is great. Not only is it very well written, I think it is one of the few books of it's kind in existence. Men are commonly left to initiate contact with women and make the first move in dating and relationships, but when you are shy this is far from easy. There are many books out there that give dating advice and tips on how to pick up women, but they are really not very useful to somebody who is extremely shy and nervous.
- Get Inside Her: Dirty Dating Tips & Secrets From A Woman by Marni Kinrys
Guys, Discover Insider Dating Tips From A Woman:
One night, I sat up late reading email after email from attractive, witty guys who were single and ready to date, and instead of being impressed and enraptured, I began to wonder what on earth was going wrong in the world. You see, these emails were not the typical online dating messages. They weren't asking me out on dates, or vying for desire or attention. They were sent from great guys, who no matter what they tried, always seemed to find that beautiful women ended up dating jerks and never calling them back.
Amazon Reviewer "The Flute With No Holes" :
This PUA book is getting a lot of hype, so I thought I'd review it to give an honest perspective. As someone who has read a lot of these books, I have to say this one is not bad - for the price. I mean, for $3 as long as it's decent that's okay. It's similar to the also recently released How To Talk To Women: Unlock The Secrets To Effective Attraction, Flirting And Girlfriend Getting in that the book is over a hundred pages long, but could easily be made much shorter. This book is probably a little better than that one, though.
- Changing Your Game: A Man's Guide to Success with Women by Christie Hartman
Success with women is something any man can achieve. However, achieving this success isn't about tactics, games, or trolling bars to get women into the sack - it's about the right mindset. Men who succeed with women - whether for an evening or a lifetime - think differently about women and dating.
Amazon Reviewer "Greg Ostertag" :
Changing Your Game by Christie Hartman has been a great investment for myself. This review might be a rush, since I just purchased and read the book in under a week - not that it's too long, it's just I'm not the most avid reader. However, this is the third book I've read in regards to the subject of dating women, and I wish that it was my first!
- What Women Wish You Knew about Dating: A Single Guy's Guide to Romantic Relationships by Stephen W. PH. D. Simpson
Most books on romantic relationships focus on mate selection, marriage, and sexual purity. But before all that can happen, a guy has to get a date! What Women Wish You Knew about Dating equips men with the skills they need to begin dating. Author Stephen W. Simpson educates men about spiritual and psychological obstacles to dating and provides solutions to the problems that often interfere with a healthy, holy dating life. With a unique blend of biblical principles, psychological insight, practical advice, and humor, this book shows the reader how to be a man, date like a man, and get that relationship off to a great start. Whether just entering the dating game or back after being widowed or divorced, men of all ages will benefit from this straightforward and candid treatment of male sexuality and dating.
Amazon Reviewer "Kevin Newgren" :
This book is well written, and an engaging read. It is written from a Christian perspective, but is a lot more practical and useful than most Christian relationship books out there. Dr. Simpson shows a clear understanding of the Christian dating culture, and the unique challenges faced by men in this culture.
- For Men Only, Revised and Updated Edition: A Straightforward Guide to the Inner Lives of Women by Shaunti Feldhahn and Jeff Feldhahn
Finally, you can understand her!
If you’re like most men, you’ve burned up lots of energy trying to figure out what a woman wants, what makes her tick, how to make her happy.
Amazon Reviewer "Richard J. Higgins" :
Here it is men – a straightforward guide to the inner lives of women.
I must confess as I read that claim I thought of the apocryphal story of the man who found a magic lamp and was granted only one wish. He wished for a road to be built from America to Europe so he could drive to Europe. The Genie informed him that’s quite unreasonable. It’s such a great distance and the water was extremely deep and that he should ask for something else. So the man said, “I want to know how to understand my wife.” The Genie responded. “Do you want that to be a two-lane or four-lane road to Europe?” This book makes good on the claim that you can gain greater insight into how women think.
The Manual is the ultimate and only guide to getting girls and to understand women once and for all. This is why guys that read it don't read or recommend anything else. Because the few men who "get it" spend the rest of their lives enjoying sexy girls in abundance – and so can you.
Amazon Reviewer "Tyler P." :
The Good: For Seduction
I will first express the positive aspects of this book, read below to find out my criticisms and the danger of following these rules. Let me first start of by saying that this book does provide tons of useful information to understand the dating world, females, and males; and how they all interact together. It begins with the philosophy and biology of males and females, which adequately explains a lot of the perceptions that people hold about what "attracts" someone to another person. This is all good information. It then explains the three "traits" that women find attractive in men:
- Models: Attract Women Through Honesty by Mark Manson
Models is the first men's dating book ever written on seduction as a purely emotional process rather than a logical one, a process of connecting with women rather than impressing them, a process of self-expression rather than manipulation. It's the most mature and honest guide on how a man can attract women without faking behavior, without lying and without emulating others. A game-changer.
Amazon Reviewer "@pasteurtran" :
- Rules of the Game by Neil Strauss
Neil Strauss, New York Times bestselling author of The Game, now brings readers a portable, omnibus paperback edition of his box set Rules of the Game—a unique how-to guide for pickup artists (The StyleLife Challenge) and a volume of Game stories (The Style Diaries)—with new bonus material. The Stylelife Challenge is the manual Strauss, author of Emergency, thought he’d never write: the ultimate guide to landing the woman of your dreams, while The Style Diaries takes readers further into the seduction underworld than ever before, and delves where The Game never dared to tread: into the even more complicated rules of relationships.
Amazon Reviewer "Joshua Olson" :
This book is about much more than just meeting and having sex with beautiful women. (Although, that is the primary motivation for guys to learn this stuff.) That is the biggest difference between Style's material and all the other master's stuff. Neil is teaching you to become a confident, socially adept person, not just a pickup machine.
- The Natural: How to Effortlessly Attract the Women You Want by Richard La Ruina
One of the world’s top pick-up artists, Richard La Ruina went from having no women to being a true master of seduction. Now he shows you how to do the same. So move over Mystery, and tell Neil Strauss that The Rules of the Game are about to be rewritten. Every element of the winning pickup is right here, from discovering confidence to exuding charm, learning conversation starters to mastering body language, to much more. And as you move from daydreaming to flirtation to passion to romance to love, The Natural will show you how it’s done.
Amazon Reviewer "A Customer" :
I'm a woman, and I read this book for sociological reasons, hopefully to understand men's minds a bit better. I felt it did help me achieve this and I'm grateful.
First of all, I think this is a well written book, concise, to the point, written in a very conversational and friendly tone that anyone can follow. I believe it encourages men to have more self respect and gather as much confidence in themselves as they possible can. I always like to see genuine encouragement from a fellow human.
Hidden somewhere, in nearly every major city in the world, is an underground seduction lair. And in these lairs, men trade the most devastatingly effective techniques ever invented to charm women. This is not fiction. These men really exist. They live together in houses known as Projects. And Neil Strauss, the bestselling author, spent two years living among them, using the pseudonym Style to protect his real-life identity. The result is one of the most explosive and controversial books of the year -- guaranteed to change the lives of men and transform the way women understand the opposite sex forever.
Amazon Reviewer "Scrutinizing Consumer" :
"The Game", at first, appears to be an informative, eye-opening, entertaining and DANGEROUS MANUAL ON HOW TO SEDUCE WOMEN. Deep within this controversial book, however, lies one of the best self improvement books available to man... as long as he understands and embraces the fundamental reality that the acquisition of confidence and personal worth are strictly required in order to succeed at the Game. A lot of low self esteem individuals will read this book and become, I believe, better men.
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